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Running a node

To start running an illium full node first head over to the downloads page and download the binaries for your operating system.

The download will be a .zip file that contains two executables:

  • ilxd: The illium full node application
  • ilxcli: A command line interface to interact with a running instance of ilxd

To start the node with default options run the following command in the terminal:

$ ./ilxd

To see a list of runtime option use:

$ ./ilxd --help
ilxd [OPTIONS]

Node Options:
-v, --version Display version information and exit
-C, --configfile= Path to configuration file
-d, --datadir= Directory to store data
--logdir= Directory to log output
--walletdir= Directory to store wallet data
-l, --loglevel= Set the logging level [trace, debug, info,
warning, error, fatal]. (default: info)
--debug Enable libp2p debug logging to the terminal
--seedaddr= Override the default seed addresses with
the provided values
--listenaddr= Override the default listen addresses with
the provided values
-t, --testnet Use the test network
--alpha Use the alpha network
-r, --regtest Use regression testing mode
--regtestval Set self as the regtest genesis validator.
This can only be done on first startup.
--noupnp Disable use of upnp
--useragent= A custom user agent to advertise to the
--notxindex Disable the transaction index
--droptxindex Delete the tx index from the database
--wsindex Enable the wallet server index to serve
lite wallets
--dropwsindex Delete the wallet server index from the
--addrindex Enable the address index
--dropaddrindex Delete the address index from the database
--maxbanscore= The maximum ban score a peer is allowed to
have before getting banned (default: 100)
--banduration= The duration for which banned peers are
banned for (default: 24h)
--walletseed= A mnemonic seed to initialize the node
with. This can only be used on first
--coinbaseaddr= An optional address to send all coinbase
rewards to. If this option is not used the
wallet will automatically select an
internal address.
--networkkey= A network key to use for this node. This
will override the node's peer ID.
--prune Delete the blockchain from disk. The node
will store just the date needed to validate
new blocks.
--mock Set the node to use mock proofs instead of
full proofs. This option is only available
for regtest.
--checkpoint= Set a custom block checkpoint. Proof validation
will be skipped up to this block. Formatted
as a json string {'blockID': 'hex',
'height': uint32}

--minfeeperkilobyte= The minimum fee per kilobyte that the node
will accept in the mempool and generated
--minstake= The minimum stake required to accept a
stake tx into the mempool or a generated
--treasurywhitelist= Allow these treasury txids into the mempool
and generated blocks
--blocksizesoftlimit= The maximum size block this node will
--maxmessagesize= The maximum size of a network message. This
is a hard limit. Setting this value
different than all other nodes could fork
you off the network.

RPC Options:
--rpccert= A path to the SSL certificate to use with
--rpckey= A path to the SSL key to use with gRPC
--externalip= This option should be used to specify the
external IP address if using the
auto-generated SSL certificate.
--grpclisten= Add an interface/port to listen for
experimental gRPC connections in multiaddr
format (default:/ip4/
--grpcauthtoken= Set a token here if you want to enable
client authentication with gRPC.
--disablenodeservice Disable the node RPC service. This option
should be used if running a public
blockchain or wallet server.
--disablewalletservice Disable the wallet RPC service. This option
should be used if running a public
blockchain or wallet server.
--disablewalletserverservice Disable the wallet server RPC service. This
will automatically be disable if wsindex is

Tor Options:
--torbinary= A path to the Tor binary. If this is
provided the server will start tor
automatically and shut it down on close.
All incoming and outgoing connections will
be routed through Tor.
--torrcfile= A path to a custom torrc file if you want
to configure tor with your own settings.
--tordualstack This option tells ilxd to accept
connections over Tor AND over the clear
internet. Clear TCP connections will be
prioritized. This mode is NOT private.

Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message