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Command Line Interface

ilxcli is a command line interface for controlling a running ilxd instance. It communicates with ilxd via the gRPC API. As noted in the API docs the gRPC API requires use of TLS for connections.

By default, ilxd generates a self-signed certificate for use with the gRPC interface and ilxcli will look for the self-signed cert in the default home directory. Thus, if you are running ilxd on localhost with the default configuration ilxcli should be able to connect to ilxd with no further configuration.

Connection Options

If you want to connect ilxcli to a remote instance of ilxd, or if you need to change the default configuration, there are options for that:

Connection options:
-C, --configfile= Path to configuration file
-t, --authtoken= The ilxd node gRPC authentican token if needed
-a, --serveraddr= The address of the ilxd gRPC server (in multiaddr format)
(default: /ip4/
--rpccert= A path to the SSL certificate to use with gRPC (this is
only need if using a self-signed cert) (default:

For example, if you want to connect ilxcli to a remote server that uses client authentication and a TLS certificate issued by a valid certificate authority you could use options that look like:

$ ilxcli --authtoken=e9aae15bad0532527f8222573bc4b77222d867c2 --serveraddr=/ip4/

Config file

To avoid having to enter your configuration options for each command you can optionally put them into a config file. By default, ilxcli will look for a config file named ilxcli.conf in the default application directory.

You can tell ilxcli to use a different config file directory by using:

$ ilxcli --configfile=/path/to/ilxcli.conf

Sample ilxcli.conf:



Available commands:
addpeer Attempts to connect to the provided peer
blockpeer Blocks the given peer for the provided time period
changewalletpassphrase Changes the passphrase used to encrypt the wallet private keys
createmultisigaddress Generates a new multisig address using the provided public keys
createmultisignature Generates and returns a signature for use when proving a multisig transaction
createmultisigspendkeypair Generates a spend keypair for use in a multisig address
createmultisigviewkeypair Generates a view keypair for use in a multisig address
createrawstaketransaction Creates a new, unsigned (unproven) stake transaction using the given parameters
createrawtransaction Creates a new, unsigned (unproven) transaction using the given parameters
decoderawtransaction Decode a raw transaction
decodetransaction Decode a serialized transaction
deleteprivatekeys Deletes the wallet's private keys and seed from disk
getaccumulatorcheckpoint Returns the accumulator at the requested height
getaddress Returns the most recent address of the wallet
getaddresses Returns all the addresses created by this wallet
getaddrinfo Returns info about the given address
getbalance Returns the combined balance of all addresses in the wallet
getblock Returns the detailed data for a block
getblockchaininfo Returns data about the blockchain
getblockinfo Returns a block header plus some extra metadata
getblocksizesoftlimit Returns the node's current blocksize soft limit
getcompressedblock Returns a block in compressed format
gethostinfo Returns info about the libp2p host
getmempool Returns all the transactions in the mempool
getmempoolinfo Returns the state of the current mempool
getmerkleproof Returns a Merkle (SPV) proof for a specific transaction in the provided block
getminfeeperkilobyte Returns the node's current minimum transaction fee
getminstake Returns the node's current minimum stake policy
getnetworkkey Returns node's network private key
getnewaddress Generates a new address and returns it
getpeerinfo Returns info about the peer
getpeers Returns a list of peers that this node is connected to
getprivatekey Returns the serialized spend and view keys for the given address
getpublicaddress Returns the most recent public address of the wallet
gettimelockedaddress Returns an address which locks coins until the provided timestamp
gettransaction Returns the transaction for the given transaction ID
gettransactions Returns the list of transactions for the wallet
gettreasurywhitelist Returns the current treasury whitelist for the node
getutxos Returns a list of the wallet's current unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs)
getvalidator Returns all the information about the given validator
getvalidatorset Returns all the validators in the current validator set
getvalidatorsetinfo Returns information about the validator set
getwalletseed Returns the mnemonic seed for the wallet
importaddress Imports a watch address into the wallet
proverawtransaction Creates the zk-proof for the transaction
recomputechainstate Rebuilds the entire chain state from genesis
reconsiderblock Tries to reprocess the given block
setautostakerewards Automatically stakes validator rewards
setblocksizesoftlimit Sets the node's blocksize soft limit policy
setloglevel Changes the logging level of the node
setminfeeperkilobyte Sets the node's fee policy
setminstake Sets the node's minimum stake policy
setwalletpassphrase Encrypts the wallet for the first time
signmessage Sign a message with the network key
spend Sends coins from the wallet
stake Stakes the selected wallet UTXOs and turns the node into a validator
submittransaction Validates a transaction and submits it to the network
timelockcoins Lock coins in a timelocked address
unblockpeer Removes a peer from the block list
updatetreasurywhitelist Adds or removes a transaction from the treasury whitelist
verifymessage Verify a signed message
walletlock Encrypts the wallet's private keys
walletunlock Decrypts the wallet seed and holds it in memory for the specified period of time


$ ilxcli getblockchaininfo

"network": "REGTEST",
"bestHeight": 7,
"bestBlockID": "0007aafc24fd2d78e3a1529116c30b562edde76516bf3c87d83e1cea10437bf2",
"blockTime": "1686969557",
"txIndex": true,
"ciculatingSupply": "230584300921369395",
"totalStaked": "115292150460684697",
"treasuryBalance": "0"