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In this section we'll cover how to create, deploy, and interact with a contract on chain.

Generating an address from a script

For our purpose's we'll be writing this in Go.

package main

import (

func main() {
// This is an example timelock script
script := `
(lambda (locking-params unlocking-params input-index private-params public-params)
!(import std/crypto/checksig)
!(assert (<= !(param locktime-precision) 120))
!(assert (> !(param locktime) (car locking-params))
!(assert (checksig unlocking-params (cdr locking-params) !(param sighash)))

// Run the script through the preprocessor to expand the macros
mp, err := macros.NewMacroPreprocessor(macros.WithStandardLib(), macros.RemoveComments())
if err != nil {

script, err = mp.Preprocess(script)
if err != nil {

// Compute the script commitment of the script
scriptCommitment, err := zk.LurkCommit(script)
if err != nil {

// Well lock the coins for 10 mintues
lockUntil := time.Now().Add(time.Minute*10)
locktimeBytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(locktimeBytes, uint64(lockUntil.Unix()))

// Generate a key pair to use to sign the transaction
spendPriv, spendPub, err := crypto.GenerateNovaKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {

// Lurk variables cannot exceed the maximum field element
// Typically public keeps are encoded in a compressed form
// that would exceed the maximum field element. Thus, to work
// with public keys in lurk we need to convert them to their
// uncompressed (x, y) format.
pubX, pubY := spendPub.(*crypto.NovaPublicKey).ToXY()

// Create the locking script
lockingScript := types.LockingScript{
ScriptCommitment: scriptCommitment,
LockingParams: [][]byte{locktimeBytes, pubX, pubY},

// Generate an encryption keypair to use with this address
viewPriv, viewPub, err := crypto.GenerateCurve25519Key(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {

address, err := walletlib.NewBasicAddress(lockingScript, viewPub, &params.MainnetParams)
if err != nil {


Import the address into the wallet

We'll do this using the gRPC interface.

    certificateFile := filepath.Join(repo.AppDataDir("ilxd", false), "rpc.cert")
creds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(certificateFile, "localhost")
if err != nil {

conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:5001", grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
walletClient := pb.NewWalletServiceClient(conn)
blockchainClient := pb.NewBlockchainServiceClient(conn)

viewPrivBytes, err := crypto.MarshalPrivateKey(viewPriv)
if err != nil {

_, err := walletClient.ImportAddress(context.Background(), &pb.ImportAddressRequest{
Address: address.String(),
UnlockingScript: lockingScript.Serialize(),
ViewPrivateKey: viewPrivBytes,
if err != nil {

Send some coins to the address

    resp, err := walletClient.Spend(context.Background(), &pb.SpendRequest{
ToAddress: address.String(),
Amount: 10000000,
if err != nil {

Spend the utxo

    // Load the utxos from the wallet
utxoResp, err := walletClient.GetUtxos(context.Background(), &pb.GetUtxosRequest{})
if err != nil {

// Grab the utxo for our address
var utxo *pb.Utxo
for _, u := range utxoResp.Utxos {
if u.Address == address.String() {
utxo = u

// Create a raw tranasction that spends from our utxo
createRawResp, err := walletClient.CreateRawTransaction(context.Background(), &pb.CreateRawTransactionRequest{
Inputs: []*pb.CreateRawTransactionRequest_Input{
CommitmentOrPrivateInput: &pb.CreateRawTransactionRequest_Input_Commitment{
Commitment: utxo.Commitment,
Outputs: []*pb.CreateRawTransactionRequest_Output{
Address: "il1php93at5hy30ysynrjdwghygfqdm3k3k74ync7v658e6n6rccv6mg3rsmjrdcgr5h4x3atzzeemxp3ysztkr0t9jh55nfjaf6nkhtqsqq2knyp",
Amount: 9000000,
if err != nil {

// Sign the transaction
sig, err := spendPriv.Sign(createRawResp.RawTx.Tx.GetStandardTransaction().SigHash())
if err != nil {

// Like public keys, signatures will not normally fit within the
// max field element for lurk variables. Thus, we need to convert
// the signature to a format that will fit. In this case the signature
// consists of an R value (point) and an S value (scalar). So we'll
// convert the R value to its x, y coordinates.
sigRx, sigRy, sigS := crypto.UnmarshalSignature(sig)

// Add the signature to the input's unlocking params. This needs to
// formatted as a lurk expression in the same format our locking script
// expects it to be. In this case a list.
createRawResp.RawTx.Inputs[0].UnlockingParams = fmt.Sprintf("(cons 0x%x (cons 0x%x (cons 0x%x nil)))", sigRx, sigRy, sigS)

// We also need to provide the script because the wallet only knows of the
// script-commitment but not the actual script.
createRawResp.RawTx.Inputs[0].Script = script

// Create the proof for the transaction
provedResp, err := walletClient.ProveRawTransaction(context.Background(), &pb.ProveRawTransactionRequest{
Tx: createRawResp.RawTx,
if err != nil {

// Broadcast to the network
submitResp, err := blockchainClient.SubmitTransaction(context.Background(), &pb.SubmitTransactionRequest{
Transaction: provedResp.ProvedTx,
if err != nil {
