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Illium only gives you 128 bytes to use for each contract's state field. For a lot of applications this is enough space. For others, it's not.

If you need more storage you'll need create an off-chain database, compute a merkle root of all the data in the database, and store the root hash of the database in state.

Here's the interface for an off-chain database written in Go:

type MerkleDB interface {
// Put a new key/value pair into the database. This operation
// will update the database's merkle root. It will also override
// any value that is currently stored in the database at this
// key.
Put(key types.ID, value []byte) error

// Get returns a value from the database for a given key along with
// a merkle proof linking the value to the database's root hash. This
// method with not return an exclusion proof if the value does not exist
// just an error.
Get(key types.ID) ([]byte, MerkleProof, error)

// Exists returns whether the key exists in the database along with
// a merkle inclusion or exclusion proof which links either the value,
// or nil, to the database's merkle root.
Exists(key types.ID) (bool, MerkleProof, error)

// Delete removes a key/value pair from the database. In the tree
// structure the value will be set to the nil hash.
Delete(key types.ID) error

// Root returns the database's root hash.
Root() (types.ID, error)

The std/merkle-db module interface is:

;; Verify that the key-value pair exists in the db by making
;; sure the key-value pair links to the state root via the provided
;; proof.
;; Returns t or nil
!(defun db-exists (key value proof root) ())

;; Same as above but verifies an exclusion proof for the given key.
;; Returns t or nil
!(defun db-not-exists (key proof root) ())

;; Verifies that the old-value (which can be nil) links to the state
;; root via the provided proof, then uses the hashes in the proof
;; to compute the new state root.
;; Returns the new root or nil if the proof was invalid
!(defun db-put (key old-val new-val proof root) ())

Now consider the following contract. It allows users to add new data to the contract storage. To do so they have to do the following:

  • Put the data to their local, off-chain database.
  • Get the new database root hash.
  • Fetch a merkle inclusion proof linking the data they just inserted to the new root hash.
  • Use data and merkle inclusion proof as input parameters to the contract.
  • Contract uses the data and the inclusion proof to:
    • Verify the inclusion proof hashes link to the current contract state root
    • Compute the new contract state root
    • Enforce a covenant saving the new state root
  • All other users of the contract insert the new data into their local databases to track the updated state.
unlocking-params = (<data> <merkle-proof>)
(lambda (locking-params unlocking-params input-index private-params public-params)
!(import std/merkle-db)
!(import std/crypto/encrypt)
!(import std/collections/nth

!(def data (nth 0 unlocking-params))
!(def merkle-proof (nth 1 unlocking-params))
!(def state-root (car !(param priv-in input-index state)))

;; Compute the new state root
!(def new-state-root (db-put nil data merkle-proof state-root))

;; Compute the required output
!(def required-output !(list
!(param priv-in input-index asset-id)
(num (commit !(param priv-in input-index salt)))))

;; Enforce covenant requring output 0 to be of the required form
!(assert-eq required-output !(param priv-out 0))

;; Enforce a covenant requring that the ciphertext contains (required-output data-to-store)
;; and is encrypted with the hash of the input-salt.
!(assert-eq !(param pub-out 0 ciphertext) (encrypt !(list required-output data-to-store) (num (commit !(param priv-in input-index salt)))))
