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Illium has native support for fungible and non-fungible assets (or tokens). An asset transfer looks no different from ordinary transfers or smart contracts on chain, so it's not possible to distinguish a transaction which transfers assets from all other illium transactions.

To enable the token protocol we are going to once again modify our output commitment. This time we will add an assetID field.

outputCommitment := hash(scriptHash, amount, assetID, salt, state)

For regular illium (ILX) transfers the assetID is just a zero byte array. For all other transfers it's the unique ID of the asset. In this way we can mark outputs as representing a specific asset but keep that information hidden to the rest of the network.

To go along with this change we're going to need to modify our transaction validation lurk program to distinguish between illium (ILX) coins and other assets and to verify that neither are being inflated.

func ProveTransactionValidity(priv PrivateParams, pub PublicParams) bool {
inputTotal := 0
inAssetMap := make(map[string]uint64)
for i, input := range priv.Inputs {
scriptCommitment := hash(input.Script)
scriptHash := hash(scriptCommitment, input.LockingParams...)
commitment := hash(scriptHash, input.Amount, input.AssetID, input.Salt, input.State)

if !ValidateInclusionProof(commitment, input.index, input.InclusionProof, pub.TxocRoot) {
return false

if !ValidateScript(input.Script, input.LockingParams, input.UnlockingParams, i, priv, pub) {
return false

nullifier := hash(input.Index, input.Salt, scriptCommitment, input.LockingParams...)
if !bytes.Equal(nullifier, pub.Nullifiers[i]) {
return false
if input.AssetID = ILXID {
inputTotal += input.Amount
} else {
inAssetMap[input.AssetID] += input.Amount

outputTotal := 0
outAssetMap := make(map[string]uint64)
for i, output : range priv.Outputs {
preimage := append(output.ScriptHash, output.Amount, output.AssetID, output.Salt, output.State)
if !bytes.Equal(pub.Outputs[i].Commitment, hash(preimage)) {
return false
if output.AssetID = ILXID {
outputTotal += output.Amount
} else {
outAssetMap[output.AssetID] += output.Amount

if outputTotal + pub.Fee > inputTotal {
return false
for assetID, amount := range outAssetMap {
if inAssetMap[assetID] < amount {
return false

return true

And to go along with this we will need a new transaction type to mint new assets:

message MintTransaction {
AssetType type = 1;
bytes asset_ID = 2;
bytes document_hash = 3;
uint64 new_tokens = 4;
repeated Output outputs = 5;
uint64 fee = 6;
repeated bytes nullifiers = 7;
bytes txo_root = 8;
bytes mint_key = 9;
Locktime locktime = 10;
bytes signature = 11;
bytes proof = 12;

enum AssetType {