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Blockchain Service

service BlockchainService {
// GetMempoolInfo returns the state of the current mempool
rpc GetMempoolInfo(GetMempoolInfoRequest) returns (GetMempoolInfoResponse) {}

// GetMempool returns all the transactions in the mempool
rpc GetMempool(GetMempoolRequest) returns (GetMempoolResponse) {}

// GetBlockchainInfo returns data about the blockchain including the most recent
// block hash and height.
rpc GetBlockchainInfo(GetBlockchainInfoRequest) returns (GetBlockchainInfoResponse) {}

// GetBlockInfo returns a BlockHeader plus some extra metadata.
rpc GetBlockInfo(GetBlockInfoRequest)returns (GetBlockInfoResponse) {}

// GetBlock returns a BlockInfo metadata object plus the transactions either
// as IDs or full transactions.
rpc GetBlock(GetBlockRequest) returns (GetBlockResponse) {}

// GetRawBlock returns the raw block in protobuf format
rpc GetRawBlock(GetRawBlockRequest) returns (GetRawBlockResponse) {}

// GetCompressedBlock returns a block that is stripped down to just the outputs.
// It is the bare minimum information a client side wallet needs to compute its internal
// state.
rpc GetCompressedBlock(GetCompressedBlockRequest) returns (GetCompressedBlockResponse) {}

// GetHeaders returns a batch of headers according to the request parameters.
rpc GetHeaders(GetHeadersRequest) returns (GetHeadersResponse) {}

// GetCompressedBlocks returns a batch of CompressedBlocks according to the request parameters.
rpc GetCompressedBlocks(GetCompressedBlocksRequest) returns (GetCompressedBlocksResponse) {}

// GetTransaction returns the transaction for the given transaction ID.
// **Requires TxIndex**
// **Input/Output metadata requires AddrIndex**
rpc GetTransaction(GetTransactionRequest) returns (GetTransactionResponse) {}

// GetAddressTransactions returns a list of transactions for the given address
// Note: only public address are indexed
// **Requires AddrIndex**
rpc GetAddressTransactions(GetAddressTransactionsRequest) returns (GetAddressTransactionsResponse) {}

// GetMerkleProof returns a Merkle (SPV) proof for a specific transaction
// in the provided block.
// **Requires TxIndex**
rpc GetMerkleProof(GetMerkleProofRequest) returns (GetMerkleProofResponse) {}

// GetValidator returns all the information about the given validator including number
// of staked coins.
rpc GetValidator(GetValidatorRequest) returns (GetValidatorResponse) {}

// GetValidatorSetInfo returns information about the validator set.
rpc GetValidatorSetInfo(GetValidatorSetInfoRequest) returns (GetValidatorSetInfoResponse) {}

// GetValidatorSet returns all the validators in the current validator set.
rpc GetValidatorSet(GetValidatorSetRequest) returns (GetValidatorSetResponse) {}

// GetValidatorCoinbases returns a list of coinbase txids for the validator.
// **Requires AddrIndex**
rpc GetValidatorCoinbases(GetValidatorCoinbasesRequest) returns (GetValidatorCoinbasesResponse) {}

// GetAccumulatorCheckpoint returns the accumulator at the requested height.
// If there is no checkpoint at that height, the *prior* checkpoint found in the
// chain will be returned. If there is no prior checkpoint (as is prior to the first)
// an error will be returned.
rpc GetAccumulatorCheckpoint(GetAccumulatorCheckpointRequest) returns (GetAccumulatorCheckpointResponse) {}

// SubmitTransaction validates a transaction and submits it to the network. An error will be returned
// if it fails validation.
rpc SubmitTransaction(SubmitTransactionRequest) returns (SubmitTransactionResponse) {}

// SubscribeBlocks returns a stream of notifications when new blocks are finalized and
// connected to the chain.
rpc SubscribeBlocks(SubscribeBlocksRequest) returns (stream BlockNotification) {}

// SubscribeCompressedBlocks returns a stream of CompressedBlock notifications when new
// blocks are finalized and connected to the chain.
rpc SubscribeCompressedBlocks(SubscribeCompressedBlocksRequest) returns (stream CompressedBlockNotification) {}

RPC Messages

message GetMempoolInfoRequest{}
message GetMempoolInfoResponse {
// The count of transactions in the mempool
uint32 size = 1;
// The size in bytes of all transactions in the mempool
uint32 bytes = 2;

message GetMempoolRequest {
// When `full_transactions` is true, full transaction data is provided
// instead of just transaction hashes. Default is false.
bool full_transactions = 1;
message GetMempoolResponse {
// List of unconfirmed transactions.
repeated TransactionData transaction_data = 1;

message GetBlockchainInfoRequest {}
message GetBlockchainInfoResponse {
// Illium network types
enum Network {
// Live public network with monetary value
// An isolated environment for automated testing
// A public environment where monetary value is agreed to be zero,
// and some checks for transaction conformity are disabled.
// Alpha testnet

// Which network the node is operating on
Network network = 1;
// The current number of blocks in the chain
uint32 best_height = 2;
// The hash of the best (tip) block in the chain
bytes best_block_ID = 3;
// The timestamp of the best block
int64 block_time = 4;
// When `tx_index` is true, the node has full transaction index enabled
bool tx_index = 5;
// The total number of coins in circulation in nanoillium
uint64 circulating_supply = 6;
// The total number of coins staked in nanoillium
uint64 total_staked = 7;
// The balance of the treasury in nanoillium
uint64 treasury_balance = 8;
// The total size of the database on disk
uint64 blockchain_size = 9;
// The current epoch number (also total number of epochs)
uint32 epoch = 10;

message GetBlockInfoRequest {
oneof id_or_height {
// The block hash as a byte array
bytes block_ID = 1;
// The block number
uint32 height = 2;
message GetBlockInfoResponse {
// Marshaled block header data, as well as metadata
BlockInfo info = 1;

message GetBlockRequest {
oneof id_or_height {
// The block hash as a byte array
bytes block_ID = 1;
// The block number
uint32 height = 2;

// Default is false, only the transaction IDs are included for
// a marshaled block.
bool full_transactions = 3;
message GetBlockResponse {
// The BlockInfo (including header data) for the block
BlockInfo block_info = 1;
// The blocks transactions (if requested).
// The transactions will either be returned in for or just the txids depending
// on the request.
repeated TransactionData transactions = 2;

message GetRawBlockRequest {
oneof id_or_height {
// The block hash as a byte array
bytes block_ID = 1;
// The block number
uint32 height = 2;
message GetRawBlockResponse {
// The full block response
Block block = 1;

message GetCompressedBlockRequest {
oneof id_or_height {
// The block hash as a byte array
bytes block_ID = 1;
// The block number
uint32 height = 2;
message GetCompressedBlockResponse {
// The compressed block contains only transaction outputs
CompressedBlock block = 1;

message GetHeadersRequest {
// The height to start receiving headers
uint32 start_height = 1;
// The last header height to return. Note that a maximum of 2000
// blocks will be returned per request. If end_height is > start_height + 1999
// then end_height will be set set to start_height + 1999 and 2000 headers
// will be returned. If end_height is past the tip of the chain the headers
// will be returned up to the tip.
// If end_height is less than start_height 2000 headers will be returned.
uint32 end_height = 2;
message GetHeadersResponse {
repeated BlockHeader headers = 1;

message GetCompressedBlocksRequest {
// The height to start receiving headers
uint32 start_height = 1;
// The last block height to return. Note that a maximum of 2000 blocks will be returned
// per request. If end_height is > start_height + 1999 then end_height will be set set
// to start_height + 1999 and 2000 compressed blocks will be returned. If end_height is
// past the tip of the chain the compressed blocks will be returned up to the tip.
// If end_height is less than start_height 2000 blocks will be returned.
uint32 end_height = 2;
message GetCompressedBlocksResponse {
// The compressed block response
repeated CompressedBlock blocks = 1;

message GetTransactionRequest {
// A transaction hash
bytes transaction_ID = 1;
message GetTransactionResponse {
// The transaction response
Transaction tx = 1;
// The ID of the containing block
bytes block_ID = 2;
// The height of the containing block
uint32 height = 3;

// The input and output metadata will
// only only be non-nil if the address
// index is enabled.
// Further it will only metadata for public
// inputs or outputs will be included otherwise
// it will be `unknown`.
repeated IOMetadata inputs = 4;
repeated IOMetadata outputs = 5;

message GetAddressTransactionsRequest {
// The address to get transactions for
string address = 1;
// The number of transactions to skip, starting with the oldest first.
uint32 nb_skip = 2;
// Specify the number of transactions to fetch.
uint32 nb_fetch = 3;
message GetAddressTransactionsResponse {
// The list of transactions
repeated TransactionWithMetadata txs = 1;

message TransactionWithMetadata {
// The transaction response
Transaction tx = 1;
// The ID of the containing block
bytes block_ID = 2;
// The height of the containing block
uint32 height = 3;

// Metadata will only metadata for public
// inputs or outputs will be included otherwise
// it will be `unknown`.
repeated IOMetadata inputs = 4;
repeated IOMetadata outputs = 5;

message GetMerkleProofRequest {
// A transaction hash
bytes transaction_ID = 1;
message GetMerkleProofResponse {
// Block header information for the corresponding transaction
BlockInfo block = 1;
// Is the proof hashes linking the tx to the root
repeated bytes hashes = 2;
// The least significant bit in flags corresponds to the last hash in `hashes`. The second least
// significant to the second to last hash, and so on. The bit signifies whether the hash should be
// prepended (0) or appended (1) when hashing each level in the tree.
uint32 flags = 3;

message GetValidatorRequest {
// A serialized validator ID
bytes validator_ID = 1;
message GetValidatorResponse {
// The validator response
Validator validator = 1;

message GetValidatorCoinbasesRequest {
// A serialized validator ID
bytes validator_ID = 1;
message GetValidatorCoinbasesResponse {
// Coinbase transactions
repeated bytes txids = 1;

message GetValidatorSetInfoRequest{}
message GetValidatorSetInfoResponse{
// The total number of coins staked on the network in nanoillium
uint64 total_staked = 1;
// The total stake weighted by time locks in nanoillium
uint64 stake_weight = 2;
// The total number of validators on the network
uint32 num_validators = 3;

message GetValidatorSetRequest{}
message GetValidatorSetResponse{
// The full list of validators on the network
repeated Validator validators = 1;

message GetAccumulatorCheckpointRequest{
oneof height_or_timestamp {
// The height of the accumulator checkpoint to return.
// If there is no checkpoint at that height, the *prior*
// checkpoint found in the chain will be returned.
// An error will be returned if there is no checkpoint before
// the provided height.
uint32 height = 1;

// The timestamp of the accumulator checkpoint to return.
// If there is no checkpoint at that timestamp, the *prior*
// checkpoint found in the chain will be returned.
// An error will be returned if there is no checkpoint before
// the provided timestamp.
int64 timestamp = 2;
message GetAccumulatorCheckpointResponse{
// The height of the checkpoint
uint32 height = 1;
// The number of entries in the accumulator at this checkpoint
uint64 num_entries = 2;
// The accumulator hashes
repeated bytes accumulator = 3;

message SubmitTransactionRequest {
// The transaction to submit to the network
Transaction transaction = 1;
message SubmitTransactionResponse {
// The transaction ID of the transaction.
// If submission was unsuccessful and error will be returned.
bytes transaction_ID = 1;

message SubscribeBlocksRequest {
// When full_block is true, a complete marshaled block is sent.
// Default is false, block metadata is sent. See `BlockInfo`.
bool full_block = 1;

// When full_transactions is true, provide full transaction info
// for a marshaled block.
// Default is false, only the transaction IDs are included for
// a marshaled block.
bool full_transactions = 2;

message SubscribeCompressedBlocksRequest {}