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Node Service

service NodeService {
// GetHostInfo returns info about the libp2p host
rpc GetHostInfo(GetHostInfoRequest) returns (GetHostInfoResponse) {}

// GetNetworkKey returns the node's network private key
rpc GetNetworkKey(GetNetworkKeyRequest) returns (GetNetworkKeyResponse) {}

// GetPeers returns a list of peers that this node is connected to
rpc GetPeers(GetPeersRequest) returns (GetPeersResponse) {}

// GetPeerInfo returns a list of peers that this node is connected to
rpc GetPeerInfo(GetPeerInfoRequest) returns (GetPeerInfoResponse) {}

// AddPeer attempts to connect to the provided peer
rpc AddPeer(AddPeerRequest) returns (AddPeerResponse) {}

// BlockPeer blocks the given peer for the provided time period
rpc BlockPeer(BlockPeerRequest) returns (BlockPeerResponse) {}

// UnblockPeer removes a peer from the block list
rpc UnblockPeer(UnblockPeerRequest) returns (UnblockPeerResponse) {}

// SetLogLevel changes the logging level of the node
rpc SetLogLevel(SetLogLevelRequest) returns (SetLogLevelResponse) {}

// GetMinFeePerKilobyte returns the node's current minimum transaction fee needed to relay
// transactions and admit them into the mempool. Validators will also set their initial preference
// for blocks containing transactions with fees below this threshold to not-preferred.
rpc GetMinFeePerKilobyte(GetMinFeePerKilobyteRequest) returns (GetMinFeePerKilobyteResponse) {}

// SetMinFeePerKilobyte sets the node's fee policy
rpc SetMinFeePerKilobyte(SetMinFeePerKilobyteRequest) returns (SetMinFeePerKilobyteResponse) {}

// GetMinStake returns the node's current minimum stake policy. Stake transactions staking less than
// this amount will not be admitted into the mempool and will not be relayed. Validators will also
// set their initial preference for blocks containing stake transactions below this threshold to
// not-preferred.
rpc GetMinStake(GetMinStakeRequest) returns (GetMinStakeResponse) {}

// SetMinStake sets the node's minimum stake policy
rpc SetMinStake(SetMinStakeRequest) returns (SetMinStakeResponse) {}

// GetBlockSizeSoftLimit returns the node's current blocksize soft limit. Validators will also
// set their initial preference for blocks over this size to not-preferred.
rpc GetBlockSizeSoftLimit(GetBlockSizeSoftLimitRequest) returns (GetBlockSizeSoftLimitResponse) {}

// SetBlockSizeSoftLimit sets the node's blocksize soft limit policy.
rpc SetBlockSizeSoftLimit(SetBlockSizeSoftLimitRequest) returns (SetBlockSizeSoftLimitResponse) {}

// GetTreasuryWhitelist returns the current treasury whitelist for the node. Blocks containing
// TreasuryTransactions not found in this list will have their initial preference set to not-preferred.
rpc GetTreasuryWhitelist(GetTreasuryWhitelistRequest) returns (GetTreasuryWhitelistResponse) {}

// UpdateTreasuryWhitelist adds or removes a transaction to from the treasury whitelist.
// This update is committed to the datastore and will persist between sessions.
rpc UpdateTreasuryWhitelist(UpdateTreasuryWhitelistRequest) returns (UpdateTreasuryWhitelistResponse) {}

// ReconsiderBlock tries to reprocess the given block
rpc ReconsiderBlock(ReconsiderBlockRequest) returns (ReconsiderBlockResponse) {}

// RecomputeChainState deletes the accumulator, validator set, and nullifier set and rebuilds them by
// loading and re-processing all blocks from genesis.
rpc RecomputeChainState(RecomputeChainStateRequest) returns (RecomputeChainStateResponse) {}

RPC Messages

message GetHostInfoRequest {}
message GetHostInfoResponse {
// The host peer ID
string peer_ID = 1;
// A list of multiaddrs that this node is listening on
repeated string addrs = 2;
// The number of peers this node is connected to
uint32 peers = 3;
// The firewall status of the node
string reachability = 4;
// Is tx index enabled
bool tx_index = 5;
// Is the wallet server enabled
bool wallet_server = 6;
// Is the proving server enabled
bool proving_server = 7;

message GetNetworkKeyRequest{}
message GetNetworkKeyResponse{
// The nodes' serialized network key
bytes networkPrivateKey = 1;

message GetPeersRequest {}
message GetPeersResponse {
// List of peers
repeated Peer peers = 1;

message GetPeerInfoRequest {
// Peer ID to get info about
string peer_ID = 1;
message GetPeerInfoResponse {
// Info about the peer
Peer peer = 1;

message AddPeerRequest {
// The peer addr to add. The IP addresses for the peer
// will be looked up in the DHT if necessary.
string peer_ID = 1;
message AddPeerResponse {}

message BlockPeerRequest {
// Peer ID to block
string peer_ID = 1;
message BlockPeerResponse {}

message UnblockPeerRequest {
// Peer ID to unblock
string peer_ID = 1;
message UnblockPeerResponse {}

message SetLogLevelRequest {
// The debug level to set the logging to
Level level = 1;

enum Level {
TRACE = 0;
DEBUG = 1;
INFO = 2;
ERROR = 4;
FATAL = 5;
message SetLogLevelResponse {}

message GetMinFeePerKilobyteRequest {}
message GetMinFeePerKilobyteResponse {
// Fee per kilobyte response in nanoillium
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 1;

message SetMinFeePerKilobyteRequest {
// Fee per byte to set in nanoillium
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 1;
message SetMinFeePerKilobyteResponse {}

message GetMinStakeRequest {}
message GetMinStakeResponse {
// Minimum stake response in nanoillium
uint64 min_stake_amount = 1;

message SetMinStakeRequest {
// Minimum stake amount to set in nanoillium
uint64 min_stake_amount = 1;
message SetMinStakeResponse {}

message GetBlockSizeSoftLimitRequest {}
message GetBlockSizeSoftLimitResponse {
// Block size response
uint32 block_size = 1;

message SetBlockSizeSoftLimitRequest {
// Blocksize to set
uint32 block_size = 1;
message SetBlockSizeSoftLimitResponse {}

message GetTreasuryWhitelistRequest {}
message GetTreasuryWhitelistResponse {
// Whitelisted txids
repeated bytes txids = 1;

message UpdateTreasuryWhitelistRequest {
// Txids to add to the whitelist
repeated bytes add = 1;
// Txids to remove from the whitelist
repeated bytes remove = 2;
message UpdateTreasuryWhitelistResponse {}

message ReconsiderBlockRequest {
// Block ID to reconsider.
bytes block_ID = 1;
// We likely don't have the block and will have to download it from
// another peer. You can set the peer here. If empty we will try to find
// it form a few random peers.
string download_peer = 2;
message ReconsiderBlockResponse {}

message RecomputeChainStateRequest {}
message RecomputeChainStateResponse {}