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Wallet Service

service WalletService {
// GetBalance returns the combined balance of all addresses in the wallet
rpc GetBalance(GetBalanceRequest) returns (GetBalanceResponse) {}

// GetWalletSeed returns the mnemonic seed for the wallet. If the wallet
// seed has been deleted via the `DeletePrivateKeys` RPC an error will be
// returned.
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc GetWalletSeed(GetWalletSeedRequest) returns (GetWalletSeedResponse) {}

// GetAddress returns the most recent address of the wallet.
rpc GetAddress(GetAddressRequest) returns (GetAddressResponse) {}

// GetTimelockedAddress returns a timelocked address that cannot be spent
// from until the given timelock has passed.
// The private key used for this address is the same as the wallet's most
// recent spend key used in a basic address. This implies the key can be
// derived from seed, however the wallet will not detect incoming payments
// to this address unless the timelock is included in the utxo's state field.
rpc GetTimelockedAddress(GetTimelockedAddressRequest) returns (GetTimelockedAddressResponse) {}

// GetPublicAddress returns a public address for the wallet. This address type
// requires that the private output data that is normally encrypted with the
// recipient's view key be put in the transaction in the clear.
// The private key used for this address is the same as the wallet's most
// recent spend key used in a basic address. This implies the key can be
// derived from seed.
rpc GetPublicAddress(GetPublicAddressRequest) returns (GetPublicAddressResponse) {}

// GetAddresses returns all the addresses create by the wallet.
rpc GetAddresses(GetAddressesRequest) returns (GetAddressesResponse) {}

// GetAddressInfo returns additional metadata about an address.
rpc GetAddressInfo(GetAddressInfoRequest) returns (GetAddressInfoResponse) {}

// GetNewAddress generates a new address and returns it. Both a new spend key
// and view key will be derived from the mnemonic seed.
rpc GetNewAddress(GetNewAddressRequest) returns (GetNewAddressResponse) {}

// GetTransactions returns the list of transactions for the wallet
rpc GetTransactions(GetTransactionsRequest) returns (GetTransactionsResponse) {}

// GetUtxos returns a list of the wallet's current unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs)
rpc GetUtxos(GetUtxosRequest) returns (GetUtxosResponse) {}

// GetPrivateKey returns the serialized spend and view keys for the given address
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc GetPrivateKey(GetPrivateKeyRequest) returns (GetPrivateKeyResponse) {}

// ImportAddress imports a watch address into the wallet.
rpc ImportAddress(ImportAddressRequest) returns (ImportAddressResponse) {}

// CreateMultisigSpendKeypair generates a spend keypair for use in a multisig address
rpc CreateMultisigSpendKeypair(CreateMultisigSpendKeypairRequest) returns (CreateMultisigSpendKeypairResponse) {}

// CreateMultisigViewKeypair generates a view keypair for use in a multisig address
rpc CreateMultisigViewKeypair(CreateMultisigViewKeypairRequest) returns (CreateMultisigViewKeypairResponse) {}

// CreateMultisigAddress generates a new multisig address using the provided public keys
// Note this address is *not* imported. You will need to call `ImportAddress` if you want to watch
// it.
rpc CreateMultisigAddress(CreateMultisigAddressRequest) returns (CreateMultisigAddressResponse) {}

// CreateMultiSignature generates and returns a signature for use when proving a multisig transaction
rpc CreateMultiSignature(CreateMultiSignatureRequest) returns (CreateMultiSignatureResponse) {}

// ProveMultisig creates a proof for a transaction with a multisig input
rpc ProveMultisig(ProveMultisigRequest) returns (ProveMultisigResponse) {}

// WalletLock encrypts the wallet's private keys
rpc WalletLock(WalletLockRequest) returns (WalletLockResponse) {}

// WalletUnlock decrypts the wallet seed and holds it in memory for the specified period of time
rpc WalletUnlock(WalletUnlockRequest) returns (WalletUnlockResponse) {}

// SetWalletPassphrase encrypts the wallet for the first time
rpc SetWalletPassphrase(SetWalletPassphraseRequest) returns (SetWalletPassphraseResponse) {}

// ChangeWalletPassphrase changes the passphrase used to encrypt the wallet private keys
rpc ChangeWalletPassphrase(ChangeWalletPassphraseRequest) returns (ChangeWalletPassphraseResponse) {}

// DeletePrivateKeys deletes the wallet's private keys and seed from disk essentially turning the wallet
// into a watch-only wallet. It will still record incoming transactions but cannot spend them.
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc DeletePrivateKeys(DeletePrivateKeysRequest) returns (DeletePrivateKeysResponse) {}

// CreateRawTransaction creates a new, unsigned (unproven) transaction using the given parameters
rpc CreateRawTransaction(CreateRawTransactionRequest) returns (CreateRawTransactionResponse) {}

// CreateRawStakeTransaction creates a new, unsigned (unproven) stake transaction using the given parameters
rpc CreateRawStakeTransaction(CreateRawStakeTransactionRequest) returns (CreateRawStakeTransactionResponse) {}

// ProveRawTransaction creates the zk-proof for the transaction. Assuming there are no errors, this
// transaction should be ready for broadcast.
rpc ProveRawTransaction(ProveRawTransactionRequest) returns (ProveRawTransactionResponse) {}

// Stake stakes the selected wallet UTXOs and turns the node into a validator
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc Stake(StakeRequest) returns (StakeResponse) {}

// SetAutoStakeRewards make it such that any validator rewards that are earned are automatically staked
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc SetAutoStakeRewards(SetAutoStakeRewardsRequest) returns (SetAutoStakeRewardsResponse) {}

// Spend sends coins from the wallet according to the provided parameters
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc Spend(SpendRequest) returns (SpendResponse) {}

// TimelockCoins moves coins into a timelocked address using the requested timelock.
// The internal wallet will be able to spend the coins after the timelock expires and
// the transaction will be recoverable if the wallet is restored from seed.
// This RPC primarily exists to lock coins for staking purposes.
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc TimelockCoins(TimelockCoinsRequest) returns (TimelockCoinsResponse) {}

// SweepWallet sweeps all the coins from this wallet to the provided address.
// This RPC is provided so that you don't have to try to guess the correct fee
// to take the wallet's balance down to zero. Here the fee will be subtracted
// from the total funds.
// **Requires wallet to be unlocked**
rpc SweepWallet(SweepWalletRequest) returns (SweepWalletResponse) {}

// SubscribeWalletTransactions subscribes to a stream of WalletTransactionsNotifications that return
// whenever a transaction belonging to the wallet finalizes.
rpc SubscribeWalletTransactions(SubscribeWalletTransactionsRequest) returns (stream WalletTransactionNotification) {}

// SubscribeWalletSyncNotifications streams notifications about the status of the wallet sync.
rpc SubscribeWalletSyncNotifications(SubscribeWalletSyncNotificationsRequest) returns (stream WalletSyncNotification) {}

RPC Messages

message GetBalanceRequest {}
message GetBalanceResponse {
// Balance response in nanoillium
uint64 balance = 1;

message GetWalletSeedRequest {}
message GetWalletSeedResponse {
// The wallet's mnemonic seed
string mnemonic_seed = 1;

message GetAddressRequest {}
message GetAddressResponse {
// The most recent wallet address
string address = 1;

message GetTimelockedAddressRequest {
// The unix timestamp (in seconds) to lock the coins until
int64 lock_until = 1;
message GetTimelockedAddressResponse {
// The resulting timelocked address
string address = 1;

message GetPublicAddressRequest {}
message GetPublicAddressResponse {
// A public address built from the
// most recent spend key in the wallet.
string address = 1;

message GetAddressesRequest {}
message GetAddressesResponse {
// All wallet addresses
repeated string addresses = 1;

message GetAddressInfoRequest {
// The address to get info for
string address = 1;
message GetAddressInfoResponse {
// The address to import
string address = 1;
// This is the serialized locking script
// <scriptCommitment><lockingParams>
bytes lockingScript = 2;
// The private view key for the address
bytes viewPrivateKey = 3;
// Is this address watch only
bool watchOnly = 4;

message GetNewAddressRequest {}
message GetNewAddressResponse {
// A fresh address generated by the wallet
string address = 1;
message GetTransactionsRequest {
// The number of transactions to skip, starting with the oldest first.
uint32 nb_skip = 1;
// Specify the number of transactions to fetch.
uint32 nb_fetch = 2;
message GetTransactionsResponse {
// All transactions in the wallet
repeated WalletTransaction txs = 1;

message GetUtxosRequest {}
message GetUtxosResponse {
// The full list of utxos in the wallet
repeated Utxo utxos = 1;

message GetPrivateKeyRequest {
// The address to fetch private keys for
string address = 1;
message GetPrivateKeyResponse {
bytes serialized_keys = 2;

message ImportAddressRequest {
// The address to import
string address = 1;
// The address contains a scriptHash. We also
// need what's behind the hash in order to
// import an address and detect spends.
// This is the serialized locking script
// <scriptCommitment><lockingParams>
bytes lockingScript = 2;
// The view private key needed to decrypt and
// detect transactions.
bytes viewPrivateKey = 3;
// Should the wallet rescan the blockchain looking for
// transactions for this address.
bool rescan = 4;
// If so what height should it start the rescan.
uint32 rescanFromHeight = 5;
message ImportAddressResponse {}

message CreateMultisigSpendKeypairRequest{}
message CreateMultisigSpendKeypairResponse{
// A private key response
bytes privkey = 1;
// The corresponding public key
bytes pubkey = 2;

message CreateMultisigViewKeypairRequest{}
message CreateMultisigViewKeypairResponse{
// A private key response
bytes privkey = 1;
// The corresponding public key
bytes pubkey = 2;

message CreateMultisigAddressRequest {
// A list of public keys to use for the multisig address
repeated bytes pubkeys = 1;
// The number of keys required to sign the tranaction to
// release the funds.
uint32 threshold = 2;

// A view key to use with the address
bytes view_pubkey = 3;
message CreateMultisigAddressResponse {
// Multisig address response
string address = 1;

message CreateMultiSignatureRequest {
oneof tx_or_sighash {
// Either provide the transaction so the sighash can be computed
Transaction tx = 1;
// Or just provide the sighash itself
bytes sighash = 2;

// A private key to sign with
bytes private_key = 3;
message CreateMultiSignatureResponse {
// A signature covering the sighash
bytes signature = 1;

message ProveMultisigRequest {
// A transaction to prove. This RPC requires there to be only one
// input and that the input be a multisig script.
RawTransaction raw_tx = 1;
// A list of signatures. Each one must cover the transaction's sighash.
repeated bytes sigs = 2;
message ProveMultisigResponse {
// A full transaction with the proof attached
Transaction proved_tx = 1;

message WalletLockRequest {}
message WalletLockResponse {}

message WalletUnlockRequest {
// The wallet passphrase used to decrypt
string passphrase = 1;
// The duration (in seconds) to leave the wallet decrypted for.
// It will automatically be re-encrypted after the duration passes.
uint32 duration = 2;
message WalletUnlockResponse {}

message SetWalletPassphraseRequest {
// Wallet passphrase
string passphrase = 1;
message SetWalletPassphraseResponse{}

message ChangeWalletPassphraseRequest {
// Current passphrase
string current_passphrase = 1;
// Passphrase to change it to
string new_passphrase = 2;
message ChangeWalletPassphraseResponse {}

message DeletePrivateKeysRequest {}
message DeletePrivateKeysResponse {}

message CreateRawTransactionRequest {
// A list of either utxo commitments or private inputs
repeated Input inputs = 1;
// A list of outputs to send coins to
repeated Output outputs = 2;
// A bool to control whether the wallet will automatically append a
// change output and send the remainder of the coins (minus a fee)
// to the change output.
bool append_change_output = 3;
// If append_change_output is true you can specify the fee amount to use in nanoillium.
// If zero the wallet will use its internal fee policy.
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 4;

message Input {
oneof commitment_or_private_input {
// This is a utxo commitment known to the wallet
bytes commitment = 1;
// If trying to create a transaction spending a utxo that the
// wallet does not know about you must provide the full private
// input data.
PrivateInput input = 2;

message Output {
// Address to send coins to
string address = 1;
// The amount to send in nanoillium
uint64 amount = 2;
// An optional state field
bytes state = 3;
message CreateRawTransactionResponse {
// Raw transaction response
RawTransaction raw_tx = 1;

message CreateRawStakeTransactionRequest {
// A list of either utxo commitments or private inputs
Input input = 1;

message Input {
oneof commitment_or_private_input {
// This is a utxo commitment known to the wallet
bytes commitment = 1;
// If trying to create a transaction spending a utxo that the
// wallet does not know about you must provide the full private
// input data.
PrivateInput input = 2;
message CreateRawStakeTransactionResponse {
// Raw transaction response
RawTransaction raw_tx = 1;

message ProveRawTransactionRequest {
// The raw transaction to prove
RawTransaction raw_tx = 1;
message ProveRawTransactionResponse {
// A full transaction with the proof attached
Transaction proved_tx = 1;

message StakeRequest {
// The utxos to stake identified by their commitment hashes
repeated bytes commitments = 1;
message StakeResponse {}

message SetAutoStakeRewardsRequest {
// Whether to turn on or off autostaking
bool autostake = 1;
message SetAutoStakeRewardsResponse {}

message SpendRequest {
// Address to send funds to
string to_address = 1;
// Amount to send in nanoillium
uint64 amount = 2;
// The fee to use for the transaction in nanoillium.
// If zero the wallet will use its internal fee policy.
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 3;
// An optional list of input commitments to spend. If this
// is empty the wallet will select its own inputs.
// Note that staked commitments will not be selected by
// the wallet. You will need to list staked commitments
// here if you wish to spend them.
repeated bytes input_commitments = 4;
message SpendResponse {
// The transaction ID of the transaction.
// If submission was unsuccessful and error will be returned.
bytes transaction_ID = 1;

message TimelockCoinsRequest {
// Amount of coins to lock in nanoillium
uint64 amount = 1;
// The unix time (in seconds) to lock the coins until
int64 lock_until = 2;
// The fee to use for the transaction in nanoillium.
// If zero the wallet will use its internal fee policy.
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 3;
// An optional list of input commitments to spend. If this
// is empty the wallet will select its own inputs.
// Note that staked commitments will not be selected by
// the wallet. You will need to list staked commitments
// here if you wish to spend them.
repeated bytes input_commitments = 4;
message TimelockCoinsResponse {
// The transaction ID of the transaction.
// If submission was unsuccessful and error will be returned.
bytes transaction_ID = 1;

message SweepWalletRequest {
// Address to send funds to
string to_address = 1;
// The fee to use for the transaction in nanoillium.
// If zero the wallet will use its internal fee policy.
uint64 fee_per_kilobyte = 2;
// An optional list of input commitments to sweep. If this
// is empty the entire wallet will be swept.
// Note that staked commitments will not be selected by
// the wallet. You will need to list staked commitments
// here if you wish to sweep them.
repeated bytes input_commitments = 3;
message SweepWalletResponse {
// The transaction ID of the transaction.
// If submission was unsuccessful and error will be returned.
bytes transaction_ID = 1;

message SubscribeWalletTransactionsRequest {}
message SubscribeWalletSyncNotificationsRequest {}