Wallet Server Service
service WalletServerService {
// RegisterViewKey registers a new view key with the server. The server will use this key when
// attempting to decrypt each output. If outputs decrypt, they will be indexed so the client
// can fetch them later.
// To free up resources keys will automatically unregister if the wallet has not connected
// in some time.
rpc RegisterViewKey(RegisterViewKeyRequest) returns (RegisterViewKeyResponse) {}
// SubscribeTransactions subscribes to a stream of TransactionsNotifications that match to the
// provided view key.
rpc SubscribeTransactions(SubscribeTransactionsRequest) returns (stream TransactionNotification) {}
// GetWalletTransactions returns a list of transactions for the provided view key.
rpc GetWalletTransactions(GetWalletTransactionsRequest) returns (GetWalletTransactionsResponse) {}
// GetTxoProof returns the merkle inclusion proof for the given commitment. This information is needed
// by the client to create the zero knowledge proof needed to spend the transaction.
rpc GetTxoProof(GetTxoProofRequest) returns (GetTxoProofResponse) {}
RPC Messages
message RegisterViewKeyRequest {
// A view key to register with the server.
bytes view_key = 1;
// The locking script associated with the address belonging
// to the view key serialized as <scriptCommitment><lockingParams...>
// The server needs this in order to compute the nullifier and detect
// spend transactions.
bytes serializedLockingScript = 2;
// The date the address was created. The server will scan historical blocks
// for matching transactions from the birthday forward. Please don't use an
// earlier birthday than needed as it puts more stress on the server.
// A zero value will not trigger a rescan.
int64 birthday = 3;
message RegisterViewKeyResponse {}
message SubscribeTransactionsRequest {
// A list of view keys to subscribe to
repeated bytes view_keys = 1;
message GetWalletTransactionsRequest{
// The view key to query transactions
bytes view_key = 1;
// The number of transactions to skip, starting with the oldest first.
uint32 nb_skip = 2;
// Specify the number of transactions to fetch.
uint32 nb_fetch = 3;
oneof start_block {
// Recommended. Only get transactions after (or within) a
// starting block identified by hash.
bytes block_ID = 4;
// Recommended. Only get transactions after (or within) a
// starting block identified by block number.
uint32 height = 5;
message GetWalletTransactionsResponse {
// The height of the chain as of this query
uint32 chain_height = 1;
// A list of transactions as the response
repeated Transaction transactions = 2;
message GetTxoProofRequest {
// One or more commitments to fetch the txo proof for.
// Since transactions only contain one txo_root you
// should request the commitment for each input in your
// transaction as a batch so the returned proofs all share
// the same txo_root. Otherwise you may get different roots
// if you request them separately.
repeated bytes commitments = 1;
message GetTxoProofResponse {
// The proof responses
repeated TxoProof proofs = 1;